日本財団 図書館


think this is what J.C. has proposed this year.
Gandhi also said, "It is not nationalism itself to be blamed, but narrow-mindedness, egotism, and exclusiveness that have done harm to modern nations. The problem lies in the fact that a country hurts and exploits other countries for its own interests." His way of thinking will lead to glocalism, taking advantage of both localization and globalization.
Based on my own insight, I have presented the two keywords to you: "two teachings of Gandhi," and the word "stakeholders."
Thank you for listening to my lengthy preface. Now, I would like to ask the three panelists to deliver a speech in turn, by asking some questions.
First of all, I would like to ask Dr. Ezra Vogel to deliver a speech on his insight into the world situation or global system, particularly in the post-Cold War era, as referred to in speeches by Mr. Akashi and President Kanai. Also, please clarify problems in connection with the goal of glocalism.



Dr. Ezra F. VOGEL


Vogel: Mr. Chairman, Mr. Akashi, ladies and gentlemen. It is indeed a great honor for me to be present at this conference today. Since I also have been teaching at universities, it is my wish to protect students. It is really wonderful to see a new generation, people under 40 years old, hold such lofty ideals and take the initiative. This conference is so impressive that I shall never forgot it. I would like to express my deep gratitude to all those who took the initiative in organizing this conference, and to all of you participating in this Osaka Model United Nations.
Mr. Okazaki, the former Ambassador, suggested that I deliver a speech in Japanese. We, Westerners, also have made utmost efforts to promote mutual understanding and communications with Asian people. Moreover, we are striving seriously and sincerely. Admittedly, older generations did not try to learn foreign languages positively. However, in my generation, there are some people who try hard. To demonstrate this, I am going to deliver a speech in Japanese.
I would like to focus on two points. The first point is conflicts between whole and part. I would like to cite three examples on how to solve the conflicts. The second point relates to what a nation should do to execute its leadership. Being Americans, we bear special responsibility as citizens of the strongest nation in the world, to protect world order. We





